
Information a Lawyer Will Request

Here is an overview of the typical information that lawyers often request during divorce proceedings:

1. Personal Information

  • Full Legal Names: Yours, your spouse’s, and your children’s.
  • Marriage Details: Date and location of your marriage, and any prior marriages.
  • Residency Information: Where you and your spouse currently live, and if applicable, any information on other places you’ve resided recently.
  • Social Security Numbers: Yours, your spouse’s, and your children’s (if applicable).

2. Financial Information

  • Income Details: Pay stubs, W-2 forms, tax returns, and any other proof of income from the last several years for both you and your spouse.
  • Bank Account Information: Bank statements from individual and joint accounts.
  • Investment and Retirement Accounts: Information regarding stocks, bonds, retirement funds (401(k), IRAs), and other investments.
  • Debts and Liabilities: Mortgage documents, credit card balances, car loans, student loans, and other liabilities.
  • Property Ownership: Information on any real estate owned by you or jointly, including the marital home, vacation properties, or rental units.
  • Business Ownership: If you or your spouse owns a business, you will need to provide business records, income, assets, and liabilities.

3. Assets and Valuables

  • Property Appraisals: Valuation of homes, vehicles, jewelry, artwork, or other high-value items.
  • Ownership Documents: Deeds, titles, or proof of ownership for real estate, vehicles, or valuable personal property.

4. Children and Custody Arrangements

  • Parenting History: Information about the roles you and your spouse play in your children’s lives, including daily care and decisions.
  • Children’s Needs: Any special needs or medical conditions of the children.
  • Proposed Custody Arrangements: Your preferences regarding legal and physical custody, and any agreements that may have been made with your spouse.

5. Legal Documents

  • Prenuptial or Postnuptial Agreements: If any were signed, your lawyer will need a copy.
  • Court Orders: Any existing court orders related to restraining orders, spousal support, child support, or custody.
  • Previous Divorce Decrees: If either spouse has been previously divorced, prior divorce decrees may be relevant.

6. Health Insurance and Benefits

  • Health Insurance Information: Details about the health insurance plan covering you, your spouse, and your children.
  • Other Insurance Policies: Life, disability, or other relevant policies.

7. Communication Records

  • Text Messages and Emails: Relevant communication between you and your spouse.
  • Social Media Evidence: Any social media content that may be relevant to your case.

Providing this information promptly and accurately can make the process smoother for both you and your lawyer, ensuring that your interests are protected throughout your divorce proceedings. Keep in mind that every divorce is unique, so your lawyer may request additional information based on your specific circumstances.

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